This is a ministry of lay men and women who are trained by the Archdiocesan Office for Worship and appointed by the Cardinal Archbishop. Extraordinary Ministers help with the distribution of Holy Communion at Sunday and Daily Masses. In addition, they bring Holy Communion to homebound parishioners and to those in nursing homes in our area. Parishioners should contact the rectory if interested in this ministry.
Ministers of the Word are lay men and women of the Parish who proclaim the Word of God at Sunday and daily Masses and other special liturgies. Contact the rectory if interested. Training is provided in our Parish during the year as needed.
The Ministry of Servers is open to boys and girls who are in the fourth to eighth grades in either the Parish School or PREP. High school and college-age parishioners as well as adult parishioners are also welcome to serve. They assist the priest at weekend liturgies, daily Mass, weddings, funerals and special liturgies. Parishioners interested in this special service, and particularly our young people, are encouraged to contact the rectory with their desire so that plans can be made for their preparations to become Altar Servers.
All parishioners with musical talent (cantors, singers, organists, guitarists and other instrumentalists) are cordially invited to share their talent with the Parish Community. Music enhances our liturgies while giving praise to God.
Our Music Ministry includes the Adult Choir, Children’s Choir, Cantors, Organists, Guitar Groups and various instrumentalists. Anyone interested in participating in Music Ministry is asked to contact the Rectory or the Parish Music Director.
Ushers see to the general order of the assembly at weekend liturgies and other special events. They can help greet and seat people and assist with the collection. Those interested in becoming ushers, please contact the rectory. Many of our ushers are members of the Holy Name Society, and we always are in need of those who can sacrifice their time to this important service.